Addison, Joseph
The Pleasures of Imagination
Addison, Joseph
The Tombs in Westminster Abbey
Addison, Joseph
A Vision of Justice
Addison, Joseph
Ladies’ Head-dress
Addison, Joseph
The Fan Exercise
Addison, Joseph
Popular Superstitions
Addison, Joseph
Of Laughter
Agate, James
Likes and Dislikes
Alighieri, Dante
Amiel, Henri Frederic
Of love
Of Happiness
Armstrong, Martin
The Major Pleasures of Life
Of Studies
Bacon, Francis
Of Ambition
Bacon, Francis
Of Revenge
Bacon, Francis
Of Friendship
Bacon, Francis
Of Gardens
Bacon, Francis
Of Adversity
Bacon, Francis
Of Truth
Boccaccio, Giovanni
The Plague
Borne, Ludwig
On the Sulking of Women
Browne, Thomas
Of Harmony
Camus, Albert
The Unbelievers and Christians
Carlyle, Thomas
The Opera
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith
A Defence of Nonsense
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith
A Piece of Chalk
Of Death and Old Age
Cornwallis, William
Of Human Contentment
Cornwallis, William
Of Entertainment
Croce, Benedetto
On Telling the Truth
Daudet, Alphonse
Sparrow Island
De Bury,Richard
Of the Love of Books
De La Bruyère, Jean
The Absent-minded Man
De La Rochefoucauld, François
De Montaigne, Michel
To The Reader
De Montaigne, Michel
On the Art of Conversing
De Montaigne, Michel
Of the Use of Apparel
De Quincey , Thomas
The Literature of Knowledge and the Literature of Power
De Quincey , Thomas
On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth
Diderot ,Denis
a Warning of those Possessing More Taste than Fortune
Disraeli, Isaac
The Man of One Book
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
The poet
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Representative Men
Courage and Caution
Erskine, John
The Moral Obligation to be Intelligent
Gerould ,Katharine Fullerton
What,then,is Culture?
Goldsmith, Oliver
On Education
Goldsmith, Oliver
On National Prejudices
Gorky, Maxim
On Literature
Thoughts in Sanctuary
Guicciardini, Francesco
Counsels and Reflections
Gwynn, Stephen
The Luxury of Doing Good
Hazlitt, William
On Going a Journey
Hazlitt, William
On the Ignorance of the Learned
Hazlitt, William
On the Feeling of Immortality in Youth
Heine, Heinrich
The English
Hugo, Victor
Hume, David
On Tragedy
Huxley, Aldous
Bhagavad Gita , The Perennial Philosophy
James, Saint
Biblical Literature
James, Saint
The responsibility of speech
James, William
The Energies of Man
Jefferson, Thomas
Declaration of Independence
Kakuzo, Okakura
The Cup of Humanity
La Rochefoucauld
Lamb, Charles
In Praise of Chimney-Sweepers
Lang, Andrew
John Bunyan
Locke, John
Epistle to the Reader
Of Style and Morals
Lynd, Robert
The Darkness
Lynd, Robert
On Not Being a Philosopher
Lynd, Robert
Why We Hate Insects
Lynd, Robert
The Pleasure of Ignorance
Macaulay, Thomas Babington
Bunyan’s "Pilgrim’s Progress"
Macaulay, Thomas Babington
Macaulay, Thomas Babington
The Life and Writings of Addison
Machiavelli, Niccolo
Of Fortune
Maeterlinck, Maurice
Duty and Destiny
Maurois, Andre
Advice to a Young Frenchman Starting for England
Nicolson, Harold
In Defence of Shyness
Orwell, George
Inside the Whale
Orwell, George
Lear , Tolstoy and the Fool
Peacham, Henry
Of Quietness and Health
Peacham, Henry
Of Liberty
Petrarch ,Francesco
Youth and Beauty
Of Democracy
Concerning Busybody
Priestley, John Boynton
On Doing Nothing
Raine, Kathleen
The Use of the Beautiful
Rousseau ,Jean -Jacques
Portrait of Himself
Ruskin, John
Pathetic Fallacy
Russell, Bertrand
The Ancestry of Fascism
Russell, Bertrand
Why I am Not a Communist
Russell, Bertrand
On Western Civilization
Russell, Bertrand
Sceptical Essays
Russell, Bertrand
Ideas that Have Helped Mankind
Russell, Bertrand
Ideas that Have Harmed Mankind
Russell, Bertrand
In Praise of Idleness
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin
What is a classic?
Schiller, Friedrich
Reflections on the Use of Vulgar
Schiller, Friedrich
Base Elements in Art
Shaw, George Bernard
Better than Shakespeare
St. James
The Responsibility of Speech
Steele ,Richard
Of Flattery
Steele, Richard
Happy Marriage
An Apology for Idlers
Letter to a Young Painter
Swift, Jonathan
The Art of Political Lying
Some Characters
Thompson ,Francis
Thoreau , Henry David
The Village
Thoreau, Henry David
Civil Disobedience
Thoreau, Henry David
Van Dyke ,Henry
The Pathless Profession
Verwey, Albert
The Hodja Nasr-Eddin
Vishnu Purana
The Return of the Golden Age
Woolf, Virginia
How Should One Read a Book
Woolf, Virginia
The Death of the Moth
Zola, Émile
Hunt, Leigh
A Few Thoughts on Sleep
Da Vinci, Leonardo
Of Life and Death